About Us

The Metropolitan Organization of Houston is:

- Broad-based, consisting of congregations and other institutions from across the region which represent the racial, religious, and economic diversity of the area.
- Values-based, involving people who are committed to acting on the call to social justice that is so central to many of our faith traditions.
- Non-partisan, never endorsing candidates or political parties, but embracing fully the art of politics—the discussion, debate and active participation necessary for persons to take collective action to reclaim their birthright as citizens in a democratic country.
- Dues-based, giving member institutions ownership over the organizing and the independence to act freely on their own interests.


We Organize:

by building trusting relationships between institutions and people of diverse backgrounds and by training leaders to organize within their institutions and to create public relationships with local policymakers that help our member institutions speak and act for themselves for the common good of our local communities.


We Develop:

core organizing teams in member institutions trained to lead listening campaigns across their institution through individual meetings and house (small group) meetings.

- These meetings allow members to develop relationships, learn about the pressures facing families, identify leaders, and surface issues for potential action;

- Neighborhood Walks help people to understand their neighborhood and surroundings;

- Research Actions help leaders develop expertise around an issue to make action effective and meaningful;

- Action, brings public pressure to bear on people who have authority to make a difference; and

- Evaluation helps leaders learn from their experiences.

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